Creating Pathways For Positive Change

Leadership Development
There’s a better way is committed to challenging one another to become the best we can be. Together we have the recourses to make sure everyone has a Home, has good food to eat, access to healthcare, and to live in a safe Community. We need to be proactive and stop the drugs rolling into our Country smashing our communities. Together let’s stand and build now for a better tomorrow.
Our approach to each other must be done in the spirit of Love, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness, and Self-control. This approach is the foundation of all our attempts in helping one another.
My vision and dreams are to awaken the best in people and expose the patterns of darkness that are normally hidden. I choose to do this with a Basketball.
Glen Green MNZM
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In a rapidly changing world where more negativity is expanding, it is an ongoing challenge to keep our faith in one another. Remembering what’s important and what keeps us together, understanding and embracing our past but being bold enough to develop new positive structure’s into the future. Being strong enough to challenge negative concepts that impact our daily lives and threaten our safety on the streets and in our homes. Developing community light models and educating future generations in ways to help those in need around them. For these Communities to be a part of the solution, empowered with resources and commitment to make a real positive impact.
This all started with one thought – There must be a better way

Adapting a more caring approach towards others. This can only be done in Love, with a peaceful approach, and with a balanced self-controlled roll out.
Realising that we can all shift positivity/light on a daily basis despite our financial, cultural, or Community status. This starts with our thought process and can be as small as a kind word, baking something for someone or sharing your wealth or experience with a view to build others up.
Contribute, inspire, change and empower. Create light structures, push yourself out of your comfort zones by acting out your positivity which generates light in motion.
Glen Green

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I had been working with Families in my area trying to help with our Youth Gang and Drug problems and the destruction that it brings.
This was taking a massive toll on the whole-community.
This along with a lack of recourses in our park whichthe lights went even working became a perfect place to sell drugs and fight.
Glen had heard about our street and one day he rolled up.
We talked and I showed Glen around.
Glen then said I will fight with you to bring positive change.
He showed real compassion and seemed to really care.
The next day he rolled up in a truck and donated a fifty-thousand-dollar Outdoor Basketball Court.
We lay the Court down together to the shock of our youth. Who heard he was an ex Policemen.
Then he started to build a relationship with our youth and Community.
He just worked, started weeping the drugs and broken glass of the ground. He then got a paint sponsorship to paint our Community Hall. He got the local electrician to sponsor some lights and repair the wiring.
This started a chain reaction in the community where people just started to jump in and help. Glen donated Basketballs and sports Gear. He got people to donate portable seating for the Basketball Court and started training our youth and Families for free with his Charity There’s a Better Way Foundation.
He also got a world-class Basketball Hoop installed which opened up the flood gates for the whole Community. He started calling me sister and backed me and the Community Leaders. In three Months the whole Community Changed, it went from Negative to Positive then Others also got involved.
We now have a would glass Park and Basketball Courts along with a fully renovated Community Hall. This impact was Massive. Glen called it Light Shifting and say’s if it can be done here it can be done anywhere in New Zealand. I wish Glen and all who support him the best of luck in empowering our communities. Like he says, “There’s Got To Be A Better Way”.
AARON (the Problem) WILLIAMS
I meet Glen at a World 3×3 international in Russia in 2012. Meeting the Auckland Better Way streetball players before we competed against them on the court we bonded straight away.
The Auckland Better way team topped their pool and made the quarter finals which was impressive. After the comp Glen shared with me that some of the player’s had never played professional basketball before and some had only played on the streets. He also shared about the Better Way vision and how he gave up his job as a Policeman to help troubled youth. I work with Youth in the Bronx New York and we struggle with big issues every day. I am a professional basketball player and use my experience to help others out of dark or negative situations just like Glen.